Generosity in Action


“How are you approaching this challenge?” one global leader asked the diverse group of HR and Talent executives who, only weeks before, were strangers. A robust dialogue ensued, where experiences were shared without hesitation. Minutes later, another leader posed his challenge, commenting, “I think I have this covered, but I welcome your feedback.” In the space of 15 minutes, his plan was enriched and his confidence was elevated as he prepared to lead his organization through its first acquisition, amidst this pandemic no less.

Welcome to a glimpse of the Confidence Community for Senior HR and Talent Leaders. Six weeks old and hosted by Collective Confidence, these forums provide a safe space for organizational leaders to discuss their wins, worries and wishes among peers who find themselves navigating new terrain and making decisions around topics not previously contemplated. We share best practices and debate various strategies around questions they ask only in this forum. Moreover, they find connection and support from colleagues who understand how it feels to be in their shoes. For an hour, their tanks are filled with the fuel they need: empathy, generosity, collaboration, care.  

In this COVID-19 season, Chief People Officers and senior Human Resource leaders are on the front lines of their companies fielding questions from anxious employees and eager executives about remote work processes, unemployment benefits, in-home office equipment, mental health, return to the workplace procedures and more. Too often the catch-all for the “touchy feely” people matters, these leaders are finding themselves in the bulls-eye of critical business decisions, where they’ve needed to be all along. They advise the executive team on return-to-workplace scenarios and they address the concerns of the call center technician who can’t productively serve his customers without a second monitor. They bounce between strategic and tactical. Regardless of the issue, if it matters to you, it matters to them. For a minute, imagine our organizations without them.  

Over these past months I have been inspired by the generosity of the leaders in the “people space.” Many are hosting free webinars or publishing complimentary resources, bringing their talents out from behind the walls of their organization and into the wider working world. While some have commercial motives, many simply want to help move us forward collectively.  CHROs are convening regularly, convinced that collaboration is a far better strategy than competition if we are to truly serve. They are leading with generous spirits and open hearts, displaying the previously underrated soft skills our world needs now more than ever. 

“I’ve been looking forward to this meeting all week,” one leader commented as we wound down our Confidence Community Zoom call. “Me, too,” chimed the others. Only weeks before they were strangers. Now they are a community of leaders from different industries, geographies and backgrounds working to solve hard problems on behalf of you and your families. Thank you to Human Resources professionals and Talent leaders everywhere for your courage, vulnerability and humility.  We see you, value you and are here to serve you.  #HRheroes    


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